Pr 3:2 – Wisdom prolongs your life “many years” and brings you prosperity.
Pr 3:3 – New subject: Love and loyalty as part of your life will win you favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
Pr 3:5–6 – One of the most incredible Truths of life in a tiny, poetic sentence. Andy Stanley unpacked this verse so incredibly and took it out of my Sunday School understanding into a major theme for life direction. Here’s a few emphases:
Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart (not half-heartedly, but with your whole heart; I’ll do WHATEVER you say, God)
Don’t trust your own understanding (just because I think it doesn’t make it right)
In all your ways ACKNOWLEDGE Him (not give Him a nod, but pursue hard after His will in all your ways (arenas of life))
and, (as a result) He will make your paths straight (plain or smooth) — it will be obvious what you should do…The Lord is not trying to hide his will from us.
But He’s not going to give it to you if you’re not serious about following Him. Very encouraging and convicting at the same time.
Pr 3:7 – Wisdom equated with fear of the Lord and shunning evil.
Pr 3:8 - Wisdom leads to good physical health.
Pr 3:11–12 – When I feel God’s discipline, it’s a sign that loves and delights in me. Whenever I’m strongly convicted about something, I often feel joy that God has not given up on me.
Pr 3:13–15 – Wisdom is more valuable than money.Pr 3:16 – Wisdom offers long life and riches and honor.
Pr 3:18 – Wisdom is a “tree of life”; a reference to the right choice for Adam & Eve back in EdenPr 3:21–25 – More benefits of wisdom: life, prestige, safety, security, courage, rest,
Pr 3:26 – If you live wisely, “the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.” (wow!)Pr 3:27–32 – The Golden Rule is wisdom.
Pr 3:33–35 – God curses the wicked, but blesses the righteousWise/Foolish Choice #3
Respond quickly to the Lord’s discipline. If you are being convicted about something, don’t look for reasons to continue. I find I generally know what wisdom is in a given situation, but sometimes I want to pretend I don’t know. Do the wise thing!