Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 4 - April 6

So much to tell about and only one computer which is often occupied. I hope to come back later and add some detail.

Incredible morning devotion by a guy from my group who dramatically performs MLK, Jr's sermons. He quoted the last fifteen minutes of MLK's last speech the day before he was assassinated. It was VERY moving.

Saw Church of St. Gabriel (Mary's Well) - alternate traditional location of where the Annunication happened

Toured Megiddo - a city that was inhabitated for 7,000 years and was used as a military lookout because of its perfect overlook over the Plain of Jezreel in the crossroads of all armies moving through the area...Since it was destroyed 25 (get that, twenty-five) times over the years, it became a symbol of good vs. evil -- Revelation tells us that the last battle (ultimate good vs. ultimate evil) will be fought in this valley (Revelation 16:16-19).

Naboth's vineyard (1 Kings 21:1ff) was also in the Plain of Jezreel.

A few other Megiddo Scriptures:
2 Kings 23:29ff
1 Chronicles 25:20-24

Visited Caesarea (Maritime near Joppa. Herod the Great built a theatre and palace there in honor of Augustus Caesar (why he called it Caesarea). It's a signficant place for our faith because here Cornelius had a vision to send for Peter, and Peter, having had a vision of God telling Peter to eat animals considered unclean by the law, was able to tell Cornelius the good news of Jesus was for Gentiles, too! (Acts 10:1ff)

Paul was kept a prisoner here also where he talked to Festus and Felix, and then appealed to be tried before Caesar.

The most profound thing about this site for me was the theatre there was built in the first century around the exact time the New Testament books were written. The theatre is in ruins. The New Testament is still with us, proclaiming the great news about Jesus. What do I want to put my life into, was the question I heard God saying to me...

Spent the night (and will the next several) in Tiberias right on the Sea of Galilee.

Got to run now, people waiting for the computer.

Love you all!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Day 2 - Nazareth

Had a great breakfast and worship time this morning (I definitely lack rhythm compared to my group).

Got on the bus at 9am.

We went to the Church of the Annunciation, which commemorates where tradition says that Gabriel announced to Mary that she would be having Jesus. There have been five churches on the site (destroyed and rebuilt thorugh the tumultous history) and it is built on an excavated site of a house in the first century (supposedly Mary's parents' home). Very cool to see the first century excavation.

Then across the way to Church of St. Joseph (commemorating the location of Jesus growing up in Nazareth after the return from Egypt). Awesome excavations under it as well, including carpenter's shop.

From there, we went to "Nazareth Village" a re-creation of what life was like in Nazareth in Jesus' day including a stone house, winepress, shepherding (with live sheep), watchtower, synagogue (with teaching on Jesus reading from Isaiah 61 in the synagogue at Nazareth and being rejected (Luke 4)

Then finally, a first century Nazareth lunch with pita bread to be dipped in hyssop, olives grown on the property, lentil soup, and chicken cooked the OLD fashioned way.

Last stop of the day was Mount Carmel where Elijah challenged the 450 prophets of Baal to a contest to decide who the true God was (1 Kings 18:20ff). After they lost and were slaughtered, Elijah prayed for rain (which he'd prayed to stop years earlier) looked toward the Mediterranean Sea and saw a cloud as big a man's hand and soon rain came.

Now back at the hotel, about to read for a while.

Tomorrow, on to Galilee...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Israel - Day 1 (Travel) and Day 2 (Nazareth)

Had great flights. Two were late, but that just meant less time on the plane. They made up the time on one.

It is now 7am here on Sat morning. We are in Nazareth. Wanted to email you last night as soon as our travelling was over, but there areonly two internet kiosks here, and they were quite popular.

Going to the Church of the Annunciation this morning (commemorating Gabriel telling Mary she would have Jesus), Sepphoris (Roman/Jewish city in Jesus' day), and a village set to look like Nazareth in Jesus' day complete with a chicken lunch prepared as Jesus would have eaten.

They have switched April 3 and 4 days on my itinerary so that we are at the church sites (I think there's one other church site for today) on Saturday and not on Sunday.

Took a walk in Nazareth last night. Our hotel is at the top of the highest peak in Nazareth, so you can walk around outside and look over the whole city.

Slept great on the plane (actually on both flights), and decent night's sleep last night. My roommate is great, and there is a great grateful spirit among all our group.
Not able to post a photo at this kiosk, but will try to at the next place.

Will check out of this hotel in Nazareth tomorrow and spend the day at Megiddo (saw it yesterday from the bus; I'd say a 200 million army would fit there...it's a HUGE plain) and Mt. Carmel where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal.

Also saw Mt. Tabor, traditionally thought to be the Mount of Transfiguration.

I miss Katie, Abbie, and Ben!

I've written out a set of questions I am seeking God about. Personal and church direction type of things. Please pray that I will be agood listener this trip.

Love you all and Thank you all!
