Some additional material for the message:
What will happen in the End Times? (Oct. 4, 2009 at Peachtree)
Seven Seals (over 21 months of the Tribulation)
1st Seal: White Horse- AntiChrist who brings false peace (Rev 6:1-2)
2nd Seal: Red Horse - WWIII (Rev 6:3-4)
3rd Seal: Black Horse - Rampant inflation, famine/disease (Rev 6:5-6)
4th Seal: Pale Horse - Death (25% of world pop.) (Rev 6:7-9)
5th Seal: Martyrs (The Gospel still goes out!) (Rev 6:9-11)
6th Seal: Earthquake (supernatural judgment from God's hand) (Rev 6:12-17)
7th Seal: Seven Trumpet Judgment (All from God's Hand) (Rev 8:1-2)
Seven Trumpets (over next 21 months of the Tribulation)
1st Trumpet: Hail, fire, and blood - Ecological disaster (1/3 of earth's trees and grass destroyed) (Rev 8:7)
2nd Trumpet: Mountain of fire (Meteor?) - 1/3 of everything in the sea dies (Rev. 8:8-9)
3rd Trumpet: Star called Bitter (Meteor?) - Poisons earth's water (Rev 8:10-11) )
4th Trumpet: Darkness (Rev 8:12)
5th Trumpet: (1st Woe) - Locusts that sting unsaved but they don't die (Rev 9:1-11)
6th Trumpet: (2nd Woe) - four angels released killing 1/3 of mankind with "fire, smoke, and sulfur" (Rev 9:13-16)
7th Trumpet: Loud Worship in Heaven at the soon-coming victory of Jesus over the Antichrist (Rev 11:15-19)
Seven Bowls (over last 3 1/2 years of Tribulation, “The Great Tribulation”)
1st Bowl: Boils (Rev 16:2)
2nd Bowl: Sea turns to blood (Rev 16:3)
3rd Bowl: Rivers and springs turn to blood (Rev 16:4-7)
4th Bowl: Sun scorches men (Rev 16:8-9)
5th Bowl: Darkness on the Beast's Kingdom (Rev. 16:10-11)
6th Bowl: Euphrates dries up (preparing for entrance of armies of the "Kings of the East) (Rev 16:12)
7th Bowl: Earthquake and hail (Rev 16:17-21)
Then Christ’s Second Coming