Three years ago, our elders graciously instituted a sabbatical policy allowing a sabbatical for ministerial staff. This policy allows me a sabbatical time off after five years of service, and 2008 is my sixth year as pastor of Peachtree Church.
I've been thinking of what to do with my time for, let's see, I'd say...three years.
About three months ago, I got an email inviting me to apply for a grant for a "Holy Land Pastoral Renewal Pilgrimage."
I applied, and now I'm going to Israel for two weeks in April.
I love to travel, I love history, and I love God's Word.
I also love hearing from Jesus, being challenged in my walk, receiving direction, and getting away from the busy-ness of ministry (thought I often need an external force to make me do that).
The intersection of these various loves of my life would be a trip to the Holy Land.
The more I hear about this trip, the more I realize it is going to be life-changing for me. Though I am at one of the healthiest places personally I have been over the last five years of church planting, I really believe the Lord is providing this trip at this time to renew me.
Peachtree, I thank you so much for giving me the freedom to be a regular person. I never feel that you put unrealistic expectations on me, Katie, or the kids. All the freedom you give me to care for myself and my family just makes me love you guys more and want to pour my whole (refreshed) heart into you, my church family.
Elders, I thank you for being open to new ideas and always supporting where I believe the Lord wants to take us. I know this sabbatical idea was new for some of you, but I can assure you, I will come back with more of me to give for the long haul.
Katie, you are too good for me. To let me go to Israel twice since we've been married while you haven't gone once...and to be loving and supporting through it, you are very unselfish. (For all of you reading this, I received a scholarship to go to Israel for a three-week study trip in 2001, and because of funds, Katie stayed home (and by the way had to move us out of one apartment into another while I was gone), and this trip is a grant for pastors only (not spouses).
Katie, I promise the next time I go to the Holy Land, you are going!