Friday, June 22, 2007

Wow!...Super Wow!

This is our last morning of youth camp, and it has been incredible! Katie and I have LOVED getting to know our incredible students! The teaching and worship has been off the hook...I've been super challenged in several areas (I love to be challenged in my walk with Jesus!)

But last night was the greatest part of it all. 24 students stayed up until 1 am praising God, praying for each other, and sharing their renewed commitment to following hard after Jesus.

Two of our students trusted Christ for the first time on this trip (awesome!) and all of us are returning from a mountaintop.

Lord, use these students mightily for your glory in West GA!

1 comment:

  1. I always LOVE the refreshed and renewed attitude I see in Jared after a Youth Trip, but SUPER WOW changes him every time! I think I need a "Super WOW" of my own right about now!!!!
